Student Work

Virtual Reality New User Tutorial

Launch into VR is a short virtual reality (VR) game designed for Samsung phones compatible with Gear VR. The game is a tutorial meant to help players become more accustomed to VR and teach them how to interact with their environment. It was developed as a senior capstone project under my lab’s direction.

Launch in VR was commisioned as a tutorial to a much larger project - a series of educational VR games meant to teach high school students. This tutorial is tailored to teach controls similar to those that will be in the educational games. However, it can be used to generally teach how to use the Gear VR technology given that many games for the Gear VR headset act similar. Visit the website to to download the Unity package to modify Launch in order to create your own tutorial or a simple game, or download the APK play Launch into VR yourself!

Robotics Educational Game for Cardboard

Google Cardboard VR educational application for a local high school robotics class. Download apk file here.

Galaxa VR

Explorer VR


Game Art Class Samples